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decorated skin
Deirdre Gribbin’s Decorated Skin has nothing to do with tatoos, but everything, she suggested in a talk introducing the piece, to do with music being a part of herself that is passed on to the performer. Once handed on, the mantle is worn quite differently, reflecting facets of a new personality.

The piece was given its premiere at the Cheltenham Festival by Imogen Cooper, who gave it a sparkling and compelling sense of momentum. Out of an impressionistic shimmer of fast finger work emerged a more insistent pulse which, in turn, threw up contrasting, more percussive, jagged rhythm and thunderously rugged force of the work’s climax.

Cooper may not be associated with new music, but her discerning ear brought this work alive in a way that made one wish she were.

Pittsvilles Pump Room

10 July 2003 The Guardian
Rian Evans

  © 2005 Deirdre Gribbin  
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